24 Jul 2024

The Importance Of Knowing Your Health With Blood Tests

The Importance Of Knowing Your Health With Blood Tests

As this corporate life takes over the world, staying on top of your health can sometimes take a back seat. However, understanding your body’s inner workings is important for overall well-being. Blood tests are a crucial tool in this regard. They offer insights into various aspects of health, from diagnosing potential issues to monitoring ongoing […]

17 May 2024

Essential Blood Work Tests Before Surgery: What You Need to Know

Essential Blood Work Tests Before Surgery: What You Need to Know

Preparing for surgery involves several steps, including undergoing blood work tests. These tests ensure safety during the procedure and optimize your post-operative recovery. In this blog, we’ll delve into the significance of these tests before surgery, what they look for in blood tests before surgery, and what specific markers healthcare providers look for. Why Blood […]

30 Oct 2023

Understanding Pre-Op Assessments & Blood Testing

Understanding Pre-Op Assessments & Blood Testing

Preparing for surgery can be stressful. Whether it’s a minor procedure or complex operation, understanding the significance of pre-op assessments and blood testing is integral for safety and well-being. With this comprehensive guide on this subject, we aim to answer this important question “What do pre-op blood tests check for?” Why Pre-Operative Blood Testing Is […]

21 Sep 2023

Bad Blood Test Results? Here Is A Quick Guide On How To Improve Them

Bad Blood Test Results? Here Is A Quick Guide On How To Improve Them

An annual blood test is an important aspect of maintaining good health. As soon as we come to know about our poor blood test results, it can be alarming and confusing. But it is essential to keep in mind that these are not fixed numbers, and with some lifestyle adjustments as well as proactive measures, […]

17 Apr 2023

How to Interpret Your Blood Test Results: A Quick Guide

How to Interpret Your Blood Test Results: A Quick Guide

How to Interpret Your Blood Test Results: A Quick Guide Learning to interpret your blood test results empowers you to understand your body. So what does it all mean? In this guide, we address some of the most common items on a blood test report. To learn more about what blood test results mean, call 626-304-0404 today!  […]

15 Oct 2022

Why You Need to Consider a Blood Test Near You

Why You Need to Consider a Blood Test Near You Scheduling a ‘blood test near me’ is important to staying healthy, and it offers many benefits. Getting a blood test can determine your risk status for diseases, and it can also help you identify some health conditions before any symptoms develop and become more severe. […]

22 Sep 2022

All You Need to Know About Blood Tests

All You Need to Know About Blood Tests We are all familiar with the concept of blood tests and have had them done several times over the course of our life. However, even a concept as common as blood tests is often not understood completely or properly by people. That’s why Advanced Urgent Care of […]

23 Feb 2022

What to Know Before You Take a Blood Test

Five Things to Do Before Your Blood Test Scheduling a routine blood test near you each year is recommended by most doctors. These tests can identify any medical conditions while also determining your risk status for specific health issues. Knowing a few things before getting a blood test is important to ensure the entire process […]

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